Exceptional energy savers with stable pressure dew point performance

With their high efficiency storage control, SECOTEC TA to TC series (*) refrigeration dryers dry compressed air tailored to your requirements to a dew point of 3 °C and ensure maximum efficiency at all times. A generously-dimensioned thermal mass enables operation with minimal material stress and assures stable pressure dew point performance.

  • Huge potential savings in partial-load operation and during work breaks
  • Highly durable and low-maintenance system design
  • Air-cooled versions for ambient temperatures up to 43 °C

Your advantages

  • Energy savings:
    Thanks to energy-saving control, in partial-load operation, excess cooling power can be temporarily stored in the thermal mass for later cooling without the need for power consumption.
  • Long-term reliability:
    The high-quality refrigerant circuit of SECOTEC refrigeration dryers assures reliable performance in ambient temperature up to +43 °C. The large condensate separator and electronic ECO-DRAIN condensate drain provide reliable condensate removal during all load phases. Electrical equipment compliant with standard EN 60204-1.
  • Exceptionally service-friendly:
    The enclosure was designed with easy component accessibility in mind, which helps to significantly reduce labour costs for maintenance and testing work.

* Dryers from this series contain the fluorinated greenhouse gas R-513A.

AQUAMAT condensate treatment system

The perfect partner: the AQUAMAT oil/water separator

Our tip: Take advantage of cost-effective, legally-compliant treatment of condensate before drainage into the regular wastewater system with AQUAMAT oil/water separators.

Product details

The load on a refrigeration dryer doesn't just depend on the volume of compressed air to be dried (grey area), but more importantly depends on how much water the incoming compressed air contains. The volume of water (moisture) increases as the temperature rises, so the load on refrigeration dryers increases dramatically when ambient temperatures are high, such as during summer (yellow curve).

Conversely, when the temperature falls in winter (turquoise curve), there is less load on refrigeration dryers. To maintain a stable pressure dew point throughout all these fluctuations, refrigeration dryers should always be designed to provide sufficient performance during peak load times, and should also have additional capacity in reserve.

Like the flow rate and temperature range, refrigeration dryers are always operating within the load range of 0 to 100 %. Because SECOTEC storage control ensures energy is only used as needed across this entire load range, users benefit from exceptional savings.

The energy-saving effect

Maximum energy savings thanks to storage control with SECOTEC refrigeration dryers
The duty-cycle of refrigeration dryers is always fluctuating between 0 and 100 %. Unlike conventional partial-load control systems, SECOTEC storage control precisely adjusts electrical power consumption during all load phases.

This allows SECOTEC refrigeration dryers to save almost 60 % of energy costs compared to refrigeration dryers with hot gas bypass control running at an average of 40% of capacity.

In contrast to conventional systems, the thermal mass in SECOTEC dryers always remains cool. This means compressed air can be dried effectively even during start-up phases. The high-quality insulation around the thermal mass also helps to keep energy use to a minimum. With SECOTEC refrigeration dryers, compressed air drying takes place with outstanding energy efficiency and it's especially gentle on the equipment thanks to the high thermal mass capacity.

Optimum drying performance and environmentally-sound operation with SECOTEC refrigeration dryers

SECOTEC refrigeration dryers efficiently maintain pressure dew points of up to +3°C during full load operation. Thanks to their narrow fluctuation range, pressure dew points are also more stable during partial load operation than is the case with conventional refrigeration dryers. 

Conventional refrigeration dryers with switching operating modes, but without an additional thermal mass, use the heat exchanger material itself as a thermal mass. In these dryers it is therefore necessary to switch the refrigerant compressors and fan motors on and off much more frequently, in order to maintain the required cooling performance. 

To reduce switching frequency and wear, the refrigerant circuit therefore only switches on at much higher pressure dew points. The resulting fluctuations in the pressure dew point negatively affect drying performance. This can be risky, since corrosion can take hold even with relative compressed air humidity of 40 % – corrosion can therefore occur even without condensate formation. 

SECOTEC refrigeration dryers, on the other hand, ensure long-life operation thanks to their high thermal mass storage capacity. Once the thermal mass has been charged, the refrigerant compressor and fan motor can remain switched off for much longer without impacting pressure dew point stability.

Design and function of SECOTEC refrigeration dryers
  1. Air / air heat exchanger
  2. Air/refrigerant heat exchanger with thermal mass
  3. Condensate separators
  4. ECO-DRAIN condensate drain
  5. Refrigerant compressor
  6. Refrigerant condenser
  7. Capillary tubes
  8. Filter / dryer
  9. High pressure switch
  10. Low pressure switch
  11. Fan pressure switch
  12. PDP trend indicator
  13. Compressed air inlet and outlet