Regulatory information

Both KAESER KOMPRESSOREN as a manufacturer and you as an operator of compressed air systems are bound by standards and legal regulations. 

KAESER complies with the German Packaging Ordinance and the EU F-gas regulation.

Below please find detailed information about these directives and their effects.

Information regarding the implementation of the revised packaging directive at KAESER KOMPRESSOREN, Germany

On 1/1/2009, the revised Packaging Directive came into force in Germany. This directive applies to all packaging put into distribution.

The term private consumer was changed as follows – as of 1/1/2009, private consumers include:

  • Households

and comparable places where packaging is found such as

  • Restaurants

  • Hotels

  • Cafeterias

  • Administration departments

  • Barracks

  • Hospitals

  • Educational institutions

  • Charities

  • Freelancers

  • Typical cultural locations such as cinemas, operas, museums

  • Typical leisure locations such as tourist resorts, amusement parks, sports stadia, service stations

  • Farms and craft shops that have household collection containers for paper, cardboard, cartons, and light packaging with no more than a maximum of 1100 litres per material group.


On 1/1/2009, we affiliated with the certified waste disposal company Interseroh for the recycling of packaging from private consumers. This means all KAESER KOMPRESSOREN packaging that has been put into distribution either directly or via retail is certified according to §6 of the Packaging Directive.


All private consumers can therefore dispose of Kaeser packaging in their collection containers for packaging.


Coburg, December 2008

Effects of the EU F-gas Regulation on compressed air refrigeration dryers

The new EU 517/2014 F-gases Regulation is intended to minimise emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases and therefore contribute to limiting global warming. This legislation is binding in Europe. 

The Regulation prohibits the placement on the market of certain greenhouse gases and refrigeration equipment and uses a quota system to ensure a significantly reduced market offering of refrigerants that are customary in the market. In the case of refrigeration specialists and operators, it also specifies extended rules for the handling of fluorinated greenhouse gases.

The following is intended to clarify this complex topic based on frequently asked questions. See the position paper for further information.