KAESER is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and providers of compressed air systems.

With the motto: “More compressed air for less energy”, KAESER offers intelligent solutions that not only make your compressed air supply safe and dependable, but also exceptionally energy-efficient. KAESER supports dynamic production environments with demand-oriented, digital services - in line with ‘Industrie 4.0’.

With over 100 years of expertise, the family business specialises in custom-engineered compressed air solutions "Made in Germany” that deliver impressive efficiency, reliability and sustainability.


Once again you'll find interesting and enjoyable articles on all sorts of compressed air topics in the latest edition of our company magazine.

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Trade fairs

Calculating savings potential
Calculate the savings potential of your compressed air station.
The calculators in our KAESER toolbox allow you to determine the optimisation potential of your compressed air station.
F-gas Regulation
Reliable F-gas regulation compliance with Kaeser Kompressoren.

With the conversion of refrigeration dryers to the R-513A refrigerant, KAESER ensures sustainable supply reliability for all operators.

Consultation and Analysis
Our experts are happy to advise you in person

Since Kaeser solutions are tailored to individual needs, we always perform a precise analysis of your actual compressed air demand prior to installation of any equipment. Not only does this enhance the efficiency of your system, it also saves you energy.

Quality management
Transparency generates trust:
KAESER's ISO 9001 certified quality management ensures that all customer requirements with regards to product and service quality are completely fulfilled. Continuous improvement processes enable you to benefit from quality of the very highest level.