Reciprocating compressors

Ideal for fluctuating air demand

The optimal duty cycle for reciprocating compressors is between 60 and 70 %. As such, they're the best choice for high-fluctuation operation with load peaks – especially for trades, workshops and small industry.

When used as boosters, reciprocating compressors can augment existing system pressure, raising it to 45 bar in specific locations.

An overview of our reciprocating compressors
Portable reciprocating compressors
Portable reciprocating compressors from KAESER

Our portable reciprocating compressors are designed and constructed for use on construction sites and by small trades businesses.

  • i.Comp for constant pressure up to 11 bar
  • As a PREMIUM or CLASSIC version
  • Displacement between 130 and 660 l/min; 10 to 25 bar

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Stationary reciprocating compressors
Stationary reciprocating compressors

Stationary reciprocating compressors are perfect for workshop or industrial applications.

  • Wide range of versions and performance capacities
  • Oil-lubricated or dry-running (OIL-FREE)
  • Displacement between 59 and 1400 l/min; 7, 10, 15 or 35 bar

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Complete systems
i.Comp 9 Tower T with integrated air receivers and refrigeration dryer, up to 570 l/min.

i.Comp TOWER, i.Comp TOWER T, AIRBOX and AIRBOX CENTER complete systems are equipped with oil-free compression reciprocating compressors, making them ideally suited to all applications requiring compressed air with high levels of purity.

  • Quiet and ready for connection
  • For workshops, laboratories, the pharmaceutical industry and the food & beverages industry
  • Displacement from 0.25 to 0.90 m³/min

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Reciprocating compressors – Boosters

Boosters augment existing system pressure at specific locations.

  • As individual components or operation-ready complete systems
  • For constant high pressure up to 45 bar
  • Wide range of pressures to meet every requirement

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Example structure of an OEM compressed air station

From preliminary analysis to the finished product – customised compressed air stations for industrial applications

  • Optimal integration of the compressed air supply into your overall system
  • Compressed air stations with high-quality Kaeser industrial compressors
  • From special colours to special machines – the Kaeser modular system ensures that your individual needs are met down to the very last detail.

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