Discover your savings potential
The calculators in our KAESER toolbox allow you to determine the optimisation potential of your compressed air station.
Correctly configure lines and tanks
Minimise the pressure loss of your system and avoid idling losses by ensuring the correct choice of pipe diameters, tank size and line components. We have the right calculation tools.
Massive savings by avoiding leaks
On average, one quarter of compressed air is lost through leakage. This quickly results in a 5-figure sum in unnecessary costs each year.
Increase efficiency and system performance
Precise condensate calculations are vital for the efficiency and durability of your system.
And our calculator for the useful heat volume of a screw compressor allows you to identify potential savings.
Clever conversion tool
Bar or torr? Cubic metre or litres? Our conversion tool recognises all international standard units of measure.
We will also gladly help you calculate standard volumes in accordance with DIN 1343 and ISO 2533.