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BASF Coatings

Show your true colours – choose KAESER and save.

BASF Coatings operates more efficiently with compressed air contracting.

Contracting – an innovative, cost-effective compressed air concept for BASF Coatings. Under the Glasurit brand name, the global player develops, manufactures and markets a high-quality range of innovative coatings and paints.

In chemical plants such as BASF Coatings in Münster, compressed air is indispensable - and not just for safety reasons. Its reliable, efficient production underpins the entire production process. For example, in the paint production area, it drives large paddle mixers, is used to clean reusable leased containers, supplies the oxygen required to reach the specified temperatures at the factory’s waste incinerator and drives the automated packaging machines in the shipping area, to name just a few uses.

Compressed air – but as reliable and efficient as possible please.

The company’s ageing compressed air system raised the question of how much money the company was willing to invest in order to make the system future-fit once again. Ultimately, the head of Purchasing chose a compressed air contracting agreement based on the Sigma Air Utility model from KAESER KOMPRESSOREN.

Contracting with Kaeser simply means buying the compressed air you need – nothing more. This has the key advantage that instead of a complex mixed calculation, a more predictable, long-term, and therefore reliable fixed price is agreed. The means greater cost transparency. Furthermore, a precise measuring system means that only the amount of compressed air that is actually used is calculated.

In future, the customer no longer has to worry about investments or personnel costs for compressed air systems – which is a huge financial relief! This in turn frees up the company’s own resources, which then become available to its core business activities. Economically, contracting offers another key benefit: it transforms fixed costs into variable costs, which of course can be booked immediately as tax deductible operating expenses.

Contracting also means intelligent energy management.

BASF Coatings operates more efficiently with compressed air contracting
Refrigeration dryers in the rotary screw compressor station at BASF Coatings

Outsourcing of compressed air generation and treatment also has a direct positive impact on the user’s energy balance. Cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency go hand in hand.

One particular challenge for Kaeser as a compressed air expert is the requirement to strike the perfect balance between security of supply and energy efficiency.

In addition to the contractually agreed maximum installed air delivery of 13,305 Nm³/h, however, a fixed purchase price has been agreed with the customer for only 30 million Nm³/year. Any volumes of compressed air consumed above this amount are settled on a consumption-based additional price.

This means that if the nominal specific energy efficiency of the compressed air generation and treatment components is better than that specified in the contract, KAESER KOMPRESSOREN benefits financially by way of sharing the energy cost savings.

As Dieter Heeren remarks, “This is a fair incentive to further improve energy efficiency”. BASF Coatings, just like many other companies nowadays, is now also taking a more detailed look at other areas that use increasingly expensive energy resources. After all, the factory consumes 135,000 MWh of primary energy annually in the form of electricity and gas.

The bottom line: energy management and contracting have been well worthwhile for the company, with confirmed annual savings of some €30,000.